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MPOETC CLEE Approved  -  CLEE01103


The LEO AVD Instructor program is designed to teach Departmental Instructors the skills needed to implement an armed vehicle defense program at their agency.  Days one through three deliver the core AVD content with additional focus on content delivery by the potential instructors.  We will break down each drill and cover the concepts, motivations and common teaching points associated with each topic.  All concepts are thoroughly covered so that every officer leaves with a complete understanding of the "why" behind a particular skill.  This course is grounded in understanding the realities of a Law Enforcement use of force related to vehicles and specifically driven by data, debriefs and reviews of actual incidents.  AVD Instructor includes full periods of instruction on both the Duty Handgun and Rifle.  The final two days teach the instructors how to safely deliver the program in a low light environment and complete the force-on-force portion of the curriculum.  Each phase of the course builds on the previous with the goal to give the potential instructor a methodical approach to impliment the program wholly or in pieces. 


This is an advanced class for experienced instructors already comfortable with delivering content and managing a training program.   Students must be certifieed instructors to attend the course. The AVD Instructor program will include multiple evaluations (shooting, tactics, written) and graduating with an instructor rating is NOT guarenteed.  Students who are not able to complete the Instructor Certification will be allowed to complete the training but receive a certificate for completion of Advanced Armed Vehicle Defense ONLY  

LEO AVD Instructor Jersey Shore PA 9/15-19/2025

  • 1212 Locust Street

    Jersey Shore PA 17740

© 2018 Vigr Training LLC


PO Box 32, Newmanstown PA 17073

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