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LEO Armed Vehicle Defense is all about winning the fight out of, into, and around vehicles.  Officers work in and around vehicles on a daily basis and they are a very common feature in incidents.  During this course, the Officers will train all types of encounters around a vehicle from counter-ambush,  movement concepts, tactics, partner drills and a thorough ballistics lab that is designed to dispel many of the common myths surrounding vehicles.  There is a heavy focus on relevant, realistic skills that account for common behaviors in and around cars.  Tactics and techniques that work will be reinforced and ones that are less effective will be identified and minimized.  The course is a 75/25 split between the Duty Handgun and Patrol Rifle.  



LEO Armed Vehicle Defense Pittsburgh PA 11/19-20/2025

  • Allegheny County Police Academy

    700 W Ridge Rd.

    Allison Park, PA 15101

© 2018 Vigr Training LLC


PO Box 32, Newmanstown PA 17073

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