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2 days - $500 

2-Gun Fighting Movement dives headfirst into realistic and relevant application of movement principles with both the Duty Handgun and Patrol Rifle.  This course uses the information obtained from real LEO lethal force encounters to mold the drills to match realistic movement patterns.  Safe application of dynamic movement drills is essential to this curriculum as officers cover each of the seven primary movements.  With the Patrol Rifle we train on the integration of all movement topics and then add movement related to cover, as well as positional shooting that occurs around cover. This class takes a relevant look at the movement dynamics of a real encounter and builds from that reality. 

  • Duty Handgun

  • Minimum of 3 magazines. If under 10 rounds capacity, minimum 5

  • 500 rounds of handgun ammunition

  • Full Duty Gear (including body armor)

  • Patrol Rifle (minimum 2 magazines)

  • 500 rounds rifle ammunition 

  • Hearing & Eye Protection (electronic hearing pro is preferred)

  • Appropriate Range Attire (We will train in all weather conditions)

  • Long sleeve shirt

  • Note taking materials

  • Snacks & Hydration

  • Gloves

  • Knee Pads (optional)

  • Shooting mat (optional)

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